Business And Human Rights
Our Commitment
At Embitel, we believe our obligations extend beyond our customers, employees, principals and other immediate stakeholders. We believe we are responsible to the wider society which we are part of. At the centre of this worldview is a deep commitment to business ethics, integrity, compliance and human rights. As a privileged member of the Volkswagen Group, we derive inspiration from similar values espoused by the Group.
Our policies are in line with the International Bill of Human rights and the core International Labour Organisation (“ILO”) conventions including the ILO’s declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; the United Nations’ Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (“UNGP”) and the United Nations’ Global Compact (“UNGC”).
Our policies are in line with the International Bill of Human rights and the core International Labour Organisation (“ILO”) conventions including the ILO’s declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work; the United Nations’ Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights (“UNGP”) and the United Nations’ Global Compact (“UNGC”).
Our commitment to these values is captured in the following documents:
- Code of Conduct
- Anti- corruption Policy
- Whistle-blower System
- Employee Manual and Compliance
- Information
- Anti-sexual Harassment Policy

General Compliance
We are very clear that compliance is cultural and we do everything possible to ensure our employees and other stakeholders comply with applicable laws in India.
No Child Labour
We do not employ any kind of child labour. We oblige our suppliers also to this commitment. This is not merely a matter of legal compliance with applicable Indian law prohibiting child labour but is more fundamental: we believe all children must have a wholesome childhood. Child labour is anathema to this belief.
No Sexual Harassment
As with child labour, we have a policy of zero tolerance to sexual harassment at the workplace. We believe all employees, especially women in India, need to feel safe at work.
We believe corruption and bribery, however discreet and however trivial, erode the trust we have built painstakingly with all our stakeholders. We go to great lengths to spell out the kinds of conduct which can even be seen to be corrupt.
Whistleblower System
While we continue to strive always to abide by our stated principles and written policies, we are conscious of the possibility of deviant behaviour. Therefore, we have put in place a system that allows honest informants to tell us of such behaviour without fear of victimization.
We understand the importance of having a close co-ordination between various functions with respect to business and human rights. The standards of lawful and ethical conduct are built into our Compliance Management System (“CMS”) and the employee manual which are updated regularly. We also conduct training at regular intervals on our policies to raise awareness in employees.