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How a Custom Pimcore Solution Made Way for Seamless Asset Management in the Face of Complexity

About the Customer:

Our customer, Corteva Agriscience, is a pioneer in delivering cutting-edge solutions designed to help farmers, worldwide, enhance productivity sustainably, tackling critical agriculture challenges.

The company is committed to enriching the lives of producers and consumers alike, by developing and supplying a wide range of seeds, crop protection products, digital agriculture tools, and agronomic insights.

Business Challenges:

Considering the humongous volume and diverse range of product data and digital assets, they had to deal with, seamlessly managing such a complex set of digital data posed a major challenge for smooth operations.

Overcoming this required addressing compatibility issues, standardizing metadata, and implementing robust search functions.

The need of the hour was to implement a centralized and user-friendly Digital Asset Management (DAM ) system.

The customer was seeking an experienced digital partner for a seamless implementation of a unified DAM solution, capable of efficiently managing the increasing complexity of digital assets in a dynamic business environment.

Embitel’s Solution:

After a detailed technical consulting workshop, our experienced Pimcore consultants helped the customer analyse and subsequently formulate a comprehensive roadmap for the successful implementation of the DAM solution.

Leveraging Pimcore along with custom development, the team transformed the entire DAM system , with an improved frontend, making it a centralized hub for efficiently handling large files

Here is a quick snapshot of the successfully implemented solution:


  • Streamlined Bulk Upload: Enabled efficient uploading of extensive digital assets along with a smart approval system for ensuring that the content quality and relevancy are on point.
  • Redesigned Frontend: Overhauled the system’s front end, offering an intuitive interface for an enhanced user experience and accessibility.
  • Robust Category & Access Control Management: Implemented a robust system for category management, ensuring organized asset categorization. Additionally, the team also implemented access control mechanisms based on categories to ensure appropriate user permissions.
  • Role-Based Functionality Access: Integrated role-based access controls, granting role-based user access to functionalities.
  • Secure Link Sharing: Enabled granular access controls for both public and private link sharing. This feature ensures a very secure and controlled access to assets for both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Version Control: Established a version control system for tracking asset changes and facilitating easy reversion if needed.
  • User Alert System: Implemented a robust notifications system to keep stakeholders informed about system changes.
  • Streamlined Multi-Layered Approval Process: Set up a thorough multi-level approval system for assets, before they are published. This ensures a thorough review process, involving different stakeholders with varying levels of authorization, to maintain content quality and adherence to standards.

Embitel’s Impact:


  1. The new centralized DAM system was capable of efficiently handling the escalating complexity, volume of files and diversity of digital assets within the dynamic environment, a critical requirement outlined by the customer.
  2. The new user interface with simplified navigation across a wide range of assets greatly improved the overall user experience of the website.
  3. With the new DAM system, the customer now enjoys the benefits of a centralized system, which translates to quick and efficient retrieval of any digital asset at any given time, significantly reducing the time required for asset location.
  4. Another remarkable feature addition was the multi-layer asset approval system. The functionality was tailored precisely to the client’s specifications, meeting expectations, and ensuring satisfaction with our solution.

Tools and Techniques:

  • Pimcore Platform Community Edition: Framework for the development of the digital asset management system.
  • Bootstrap Framework: For Front End implementation
  • PHPCS Code Scanner: To ensure adherence to coding standards and enhance the overall code quality.
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