About the Customer:
Our customer is a renowned retailer of mattresses, duvets, bed linen and bedroom furniture in Europe market.
With a mission to provide the most suitable sleeping equipment for their varied customer base, the products they offer have been instrumental in assuring restful sleep for their customers.
Business Challenge:
Our customer envisioned to deliver value-added services along with their products. In this regard, they launched a Mobile Application. The following are the details:
- The customer developed an iOS Mobile Application, that collected data from the accelerometer sensors in the phone to monitor the sleep pattern of a user.
- This mobile app provided a detailed graphical report at the end of the sleep session. The mobile phone is required to be mounted on to a belt that needs to be worn by the user while sleeping.
- The app monitored the overall quality of the user’s sleep over a period of time.
- Parameters recorded included the soundness of the sleep and interruptions (if any).
However, in their pursuit to deliver better app experience and improved sleep monitoring and analysis, our customer was confronted with technology-related challenges.
The customer wanted to deliver the following functionalities through the Mobile App:
- Position Analysis
- Monitoring of Multiple Sleep Sessions in a Day
- Better App Experience and Reporting
Embitel Solution:

We re-designed the mobile application in order to facilitate the following functionalities:
- Position analysis is a new feature that has been integrated into the app. The position of the user is monitored by the app throughout the sleep session. The app is configured to monitor 8 positions in total, with a percentage orientation (in each direction) for every position.
- The app provides sleep analysis reports in text and graphical formats. A sleep analysis report can also be sent to an assigned email ID in a tabular format.
- The sleep monitoring functionality of the app originally provided only a single report in a day, and this corresponded to the last sleep session. The re-designed app is integrated with the ability to track all the sleep sessions of a user in a day. Separate reports in text and graphical formats can be generated for each session.
- The app also provides consolidated reports for tracking the quality of the user’s sleep on a weekly basis.
- The application does not require any initial calibration to start monitoring the position of the user. The phone’s accelerometer is used to assess the orientation of the phone and hence, the user’s position.
- The user can choose to delete specific sleep data/reports at any time. The analysis view on the app will then be updated with the report for the subsequent or preceding daily/weekly session, based on availability of data.
Tools and Technologies:
![]() The app was created using SWIFT 5.0 programming language |
The IDE used for iOS app development was XCODE |
Redmine was used for project management activities and bug reporting