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Webinar on Improving ECU Performance Using Re-Engineering Techniques

Embitel has successfully completed the Webinar on “Improving ECU Performance Using Re-Engineering Techniques” on 21st March, 2013.

Brief Description of Webinar:

Re-engineering is the process of developing new system from an existing system in an incremental and evolutionary manner. It includes modification of a software system that takes place after it has been reverse engineered. Re-engineering involves those activities that support system understanding. Software systems are evolving at a high rate as research and available technology improves; legacy software often needs to be reengineered. In this webinar we discuss about the current challenges in re designing automotive control system for improved performance, for adding new features and for porting the software to new platforms.

Topics Covered in the Webinar:
  • Challenges in Re-engineering automotive control systems
  • Re-engineering methodologies
  • Activities involved in different phases of V-Cycle
  • Choosing the right tool chain
  • Use case showing how Engine Management System was Re-engineered
About the Speaker: : N. S. Divakar Reddy, Technical Architect

As a technical expert in development of automotive embedded systems, Divakar has an extensive experience working with leading automotive OEM’s and Tier-1 suppliers for various aspects of ECU development including model based development and ECU re-engineering.

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