How IoT in Sports and Gaming has Opened Up a World of Endless Opportunities

With the sports industry adapting to global digitalisation, new trends such as smart stadiums, wearable IoT sensors for players and IoT enabled sports apps for fans have emerged. IoT has also had a definitive impact on gaming. This blog explores the IoT trends in sports and gaming that are disrupting gaming experiences.

Internet of Things Explained: Facts About IoT You Didn’t Know!

The basic components of the Internet of Things (IoT) architecture include an IoT Device with Sensor, Cloud Platform, IoT Gateway, End-User IoT Application, and IoT Connectivity. Here’s how I explained these components and some use cases of IoT to a friend, over a piping hot cup of coffee.

The 2020 Internet of Things (IoT) Trends That will Disrupt Industry 4.0

Manufacturing companies have now started understanding the impact of leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT) to streamline their processes and improve efficiency. This was expected, as technologists have been promoting IoT benefits in manufacturing for years.
So, what are the biggest IoT trends that are all set to disrupt Industry 4.0 in 2020? Let’s find out